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Pictured L-R: Lilliam Santana-Barrera, Director of Volunteer Services; Javier Iruegas, CEO; and Russ Winters, Auxiliary Board President

The Auxiliary Department of Mission Regional Medical Center (MRMC) made their annual donation to the hospital in the generous amount of $70,000. Auxiliary Board Vice President Russ Winters presented the donation to Javier Iruegas, CEO, Mission Regional Medical Center, during the Annual Auxiliary Board Installation meeting at The Club at Cimarron.

The donation to the hospital is a result of the Auxiliary’s 2014-2015 fundraising efforts as well as proceeds from gift shop sales. Donation monies will be designated to support various service lines at MRMC.

This year, Auxiliary members provided approximately 26,000 hours of onsite volunteer service to MRMC. According to the Texas Association of Hospital Auxiliaries, each volunteer hour is worth $22.55 to its recipient institution. Based on that hourly figure, Mission Regional Medical Center on-site volunteers provided $586,300 of volunteer assistance in one year.

“I don’t know what we’d do without our great volunteers,” said Lilliam Santana-Barrera, Director of Volunteer Services. “We appreciate their time, their effort and all of their hard work,” added Santana.

The new Auxiliary Board Members for 2015-2016 are Dora Banda, President; Russ Winters, Senior Vice President; Oma Bush, Vice President of Membership, Rosa Nea Garza, Treasurer; Gloria Ibarra, Assistant Treasurer; Violet Wiersig; Corresponding Secretary; Carmen Garza, Recording Secretary; and Nancy Martinez, Parliamentarian.

For more information about volunteering at Mission Regional Medical Center, please contact Lilliam Santana-Barrera at 956-323-1104.